In the Parent and Child Group children and Parents/Guardians attend the sessions together. This is a unique way of teaching the children and the parents/Guardians at the same time in accordance with the principles and method of Conductive Education. The main aims of our sessions are determined by the importance of Early Intervention that is the heart of Conductive Education.
In this Group children are learning basic skills, learning to play and being encouraged, motivated and helped to learn by creating opportunities for learning in the early years. Parents/Guardians are given information and advice, guidance and hands-on experience regarding their children and will also be taught how to help their children to achieve the first milestones of their development.
Parents/Guardians have opportunities to meet other Parents/Guardians when they can exchange information and experiences with other Parents/Guardians. The Parent and Child Group sessions provide opportunities for each child and parent to attend. The duration and frequency of the session depends on the child’s age, ability and developmental level.
Click to Read More The sessions usually last an hour and the Parents/Guardians are welcome to feed, change and rest their children in our Parent’s Room after their sessions before they go home. Children who have the ability to follow instructions and show capability of working in small group situation while being facilitated by their Parents/Guardians and a Conductor have the opportunity to attend Groups Sessions for 2 to 4 children to develop their readiness for the Nursery/Pre-School Group. This Group is not only for Parents/Guardians to attend along with their children but for everybody who is involved or would like to become involved in the children’s Conductive Education for e.g.: grandparents, childminders, friends etc. Children with Cortical Visual Impairment can benefit from the use of the schools Multi-Sensory Room, Eye Gaze System devices, Multi-Sensory equipment, iPads, Large Interactive Touch Screen Television and the help of the Conductor who has experience in working with children with CVI. Our services are obtainable on an open Self-Referral System. If you think that your child could benefit from Conductive Education please contact the Buddy Bear Trust Conductive Education School and ask for an assessment. The assessment is free of charge. Please note that all Parents/Guardians who wish to work in the Group with their children or be on the school premises must have a Basic Check Certificate issued by Access NI. This is part of the schools’ Child Protection Policy.
In our Nursery/Pre-School Group the Conductive Education Programme provides one year of non-Nursery or Pre-School education following the Northern Ireland Curriculum building on the learning that children experienced in the Conductive Education Parent and Child Group setting.
Children may attend the Nursery/Pre-School Group for 2 to 4 hours. The duration of the session depends on the child’s age, ability and developmental level.
The children in this group may still be accompanied by their Parents/Guardians depending on each child’s individual needs.
Parents/Guardians may avail of the Parents’ Room where they are able to wait and/or rest in the premises until their children finished school.
Please note that all who wish to work in the Group with their children or be on the school premises must have a Basic Certificate issued by Access NI. This is part of the schools’ Child Protection Policy.
The Conductors prepare an Individual Conductive Education Plan for each child according to the child’s individual special needs and abilities.
Click to Read More The Nursery /Pre-school areas of Learning include: • Personal, Social and Emotional Development For Children with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) our school programme includes: • Communication Development These main areas permeate all Conductive Education activities during each school day. Children with Cortical Visual Impairment can benefit from the use of the schools Multi-Sensory Room, Eye Gaze System devices, Multi-Sensory equipment, iPads, Large Interactive Touch Screen Television and the help of the Conductor who has experience in working with children with CVI.
• Physical Development and Movement
• Language Development
• Early Mathematical Experiences
• The Arts
• The World around Us
• Multi-Sensory Development
• Physical Development
• Multi-Sensory Development
• Personal/Social/Emotional Development
The Conductors plan, organise and carry out activities for Early Years where the children can experience a wide range of learning experiences with the help of Conductive Education.
At Foundation Stage Conductive Education builds on the learning experiences that children bring to school from home and Nursery/Pre-School settings.
Children may attend the Foundation Stage Group for 4 hours. The duration of the session depends on the child’s age, ability and developmental level.
The Conductors prepare an Individual Conductive Education Plan for each child according to the child’s individual special needs and abilities.
At Foundation Stage the children work in a group situation where the Conductive Education Programme also allows time and opportunity for individual activities.
Click to Read More The Foundation Stage areas of Learning includes: • Language & Literacy For Children with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) our school programme includes: • Communication Development These main areas permeate all Conductive Education activities during each school day. The Conductors plan, organise and carry out activities for Foundation Stage where the children can experience a wide range of learning experiences with the help of Conductive Education. Children with Cortical Visual Impairment can benefit from the use of the schools Multi-Sensory Room, Eye Gaze System devices, Multi-Sensory equipment, iPads, Large Interactive Touch Screen Television and the help of the Conductor who has experience in working with children with CVI. The children in this group may still be accompanied by their Parents/Guardians depending on each child’s individual needs. Parents/Guardians are also provided with the Parents’ Room where they are able to wait and/or rest in the premises until their children finish school. Please note all who wish to work in the Group with their children or be on the school premises must have a Basic Certificate issued by Access NI.
• Mathematics & Numeracy
• The Arts
• The World around Us
• Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
• Physical Development and Movement
• Multi-Sensory Development
• Physical Development
• Multi-Sensory Development
• Personal/Social/Emotional Development
This is part of the schools’ Child Protection Policy.
The school group operates from 9 am to 3pm. The duration of the session depends on the child’s age, ability and developmental level.
The Conductors prepare an Individual Conductive Education Plan for each child according to the child’s individual special needs and abilities.
Children work in groups but there is time and opportunity for individual activities.
Click to Read More The School Curriculum includes: • Language & Literacy For Children with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) our school programme includes • Communication Development These main areas permeate all Conductive Education activities during each school day The Conductors plan, organise and carry out activities for school aged children/ young adults so they can experience a wide range of learning experiences with the help of Conductive Education. Children with Cortical Visual Impairment can benefit from the use of the schools Multi-Sensory Room, Eye Gaze System devices, Multi-Sensory equipment, iPads, Large Interactive Touch Screen Television and the help of the Conductor who has experience in working with children with CVI. The school also works with children who have been diagnosed with Dystonia. The school provides therapeutic sage baths according to each child’s individual needs to help to relax their muscle tone. The children in this group may still be accompanied by their Parents/Guardians depending on each child’s individual needs. Please note all who wish to work in the Group with their children or be on the school premises must have a Basic Certificate issued by Access NI. This is part of the schools’ Child Protection Policy.
• Mathematics and Numeracy
• The Arts
• The World around Us
• Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
• Physical Education
• Religious Education
• Multi-Sensory Development
• Physical Development
• Multi-Sensory Development
• Personal/Social/Emotional Development
Parents/Guardians are also provided with the Parents’ Room where they are able to wait and/or rest in the premises.
What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?
“At a time when we were at our lowest Conductive Education and their focus on what Oscar could do, not on what he could not or might not do, lifted us up and gave us the encouragement and guidance we needed to help our son progress.”
What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?
“Early intervention is key and that has always been emphasised at Buddy Bear. Conductive Education has proven to work for Amelia and I would encourage other parents to find out more about it.”
What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?
“To my relief Buddy Bear Trust Conductive Education School has been a lifeline to help with CP mobility and learning development. Find out more about the school and get in touch.”
© 2025 Buddy Bear Trust Company No: 22996 Charity No: 104137
Buddy Bear Trust, Killyman Road Dungannon, Northern Ireland BT71 6DE