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Oscar’s mother, Sophia

What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?
“At a time when we were at our lowest Conductive Education and their focus on what Oscar could do, not on what he could not or might not do, lifted us up and gave us the encouragement and guidance we needed to help our son progress.”

View all testimonials here.

Oscar’s mother, Sophia

What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?
“At a time when we were at our lowest Conductive Education and their focus on what Oscar could do, not on what he could not or might not do, lifted us up and gave us the encouragement and guidance we needed to help our son progress.”

View all testimonials here.

Amelia’s mother, Caroline

What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?
“Early intervention is key and that has always been emphasised at Buddy Bear. Conductive Education has proven to work for Amelia and I would encourage other parents to find out more about it.”

View all testimonials here.

Sterling’s mother, Joanne

What advice would you give to parents in a similar situation to you?

“To my relief Buddy Bear Trust Conductive Education School has been a lifeline to help with CP mobility and learning development. Find out more about the school and get in touch.”

View all testimonials here.

© 2023 Buddy Bear Trust Company No: 22996 Charity No: 104137

Buddy Bear Trust, Killyman Road Dungannon, Northern Ireland BT71 6DE